Monday, January 31, 2011

Now THIS is how you do it!..The key is consistency though...

I know I'm late but honestly, this is one of the best performances I've seen in my life lol. Thats all. One more thing, the fact that she doesn't sell records does not take away from her talent. Get em' Ci.

You Staying in Top Notch Shape Right???

I know its the peak of winter, we have all this damn snow outside and yea I hate it too. Its too cold and icy to go outside for our daily jogs and its just an uncomfortable time of the year. Well I don't know about you all but during winter the only thing that motivates me is knowing the Spring and Summer are right around the corner lol. So why not spend this time making sure your in shape for the summer. Look at it this way, work out now and you'll have less to maintain when its time to hit the beach. So anyways, here's a video I found on Youtube for you to make sure your stomach is looking right. In my opinion, a nice stomach can make the difference in the world. You can be thick all over but if you have a flat stomach then your body is bangin lol. So here's the video, check it out, and get lazy on me!


I stumbled across this campaign the other day which basically is in support of equal rights--particularly for people who happen to be gay. Aside from the positive message this campaign has no problem being vocal about lol, I love the whole pitch of the campaign and the humor behind it. Its funny so I just wanted to spread the word. Check it out below. Enjoy and well, FUCK H8! lol


Top Notch Artist: Eric Roberson

So I just saw this guy on the Monique Show and he performed his song "Borrow You." I was really feeling the song so I looked it up online I love the song even more now. So check out the song below and show him some love.